Project free for all

Value for value model.

Any potential value this project garners is spread by donate forward at a 50/50 spread, after taxes and fees are paid, like the red cross administrative fees are sky high.

Below a list of recipients, register will continue growing with time.

Brothers of the Serpent: Best podcast in worldvillage. 

Donate through patreon

UnchartedX: Beautiful videos on ancient mysteries and more.


Donate through patreon

Megalithomania: Everything large boulders and more.


Donate through patreon

Kosmographia: Randall Carlson - RC is Buddha-Jesus, Copernicus and Santa-Clause all in one. 


Donate through patreon

Wikipedia: However flawed one of my greatest sources.

Donate direct to homepage

Robert Jordan: Opened world of fantasy and beautiful fictious writing to so many.

Donate to Amylodosis Foundation, sickness that shuttled Robert to Green-Fields of ElyseƩ.

Richard P Feynman: A source for offhand physics

Donate to Malala Fund, working for a world where every girl can learn and lead

Historia Civilis: Great youtube-series on history of small moving sqaures, informative right sense of humor.

Donate through patreon

Dan Carlin: Best history-podcast in town, 6-hour Celtic-Holocaust episode on youtube amazing, as are series on Mongol warfare, and vikings, and medieval warfare and second world war and Hiroshima.

Donate by finally buying episodes on homepage

Veritasium: Great vid's on all and any subject

How imaginary numbers were created

Donate through patreon

List of more donation recipients coming soon.